LOS ANGELES—Ceremony: Danza Temachtia Quetzalcoatl 13th Anniversary & Huey Miccailhuitl Celebration

Experience and observe Danza Temachtia Quetzalcoatl’s 13th Anniversary & Huey Miccailhuitl Celebration honoring the dead in an indigenous tradition.
LOS ANGELES—Huey Miccailhuitl—Grand Celebration of our Dead Workshop

In this workshop, learn about the history and meaning of Danza Mexica, or traditional Aztec dancing.
LOS ANGELES—Gratitude Ceremony by Danza Mexica Círculo Ajolote

In this free dance workshop, experience the essence of Gratitude expressed by Circulo Ajolote’s Ceremonia de Gratitud.
LOS ANGELES—Workshop: Danza Mexica and the Essence of Gratitude

In this free dance workshop, experience the essence of Gratitude expressed by Circulo Ajolote’s Ceremonia de Gratitud.