California Humanities is pleased to announce a new slate of Community Stories grant awards. The 17 projects from the August 2013 applicant pool approved for funding by the Board represent a wide variety of ways in which the California experience has been made manifest, ranging from stories of homeless people who have found a home at the edge of the San Francisco Bay, to those of service members once based at historic Fort Ord, immigrant gardeners in San Diego who are greening a “food desert,” and a group of dedicated amateurs who are preserving little known aspects of Los Angeles’ history. The diverse group of awardees includes two museums, a public radio station, a public library, four institutions of higher education, as well as a number of community-based arts and cultural organizations. All projects demonstrate collaboration between community and academic institutions; many incorporate intergenerational elements; five align with the theme of our new thematic initiative, War Comes Home.
For project descriptions, please visit click HERE.
For information about the next round of the Community Stories grants program, please click HERE.