SAN DIEGO– Escondido Public Library Cultural Fair Series
Afghan Culture and Art: Saturday, November 18, 2:00 – 4:30 pm.
Program Schedule
2:00–2:15 p.m. Live Music and song: Niam Hakimi
2:10–2:15 p.m. Afghanistan Anthem
2:15–2:30 p.m. Afghanistan introduction: geography, history, culture, and customs, and Art by Marwa Saydee
2:30–2:40 p.m. Live Music and song: Niam Hakimi
2:40–3:10 p.m. Successful Afghans in the US, Wazme Taheri and Mumtaz Momand
3:10–3:20 p.m. Live Music and song: Niam Hakimi
3:20–3:50 p.m. Afghan women’s clothes from different regions of the country including Q&A presented by Marva Saydee
3:50–4:00 p.m. Live Music and song: Niam Hakimi and Attan Afghan traditional dance
4:00–4:30 p.m. Art Workshop and refreshments
Successful Afghans in the U.S.
Wazma Taheri and Mumtaz Momand are two successful Afghan in the U.S. who share their experiences with the audiences
Wazma Taheri has been an oral surgeon assistant form 2014. She is a humanitarian who works with the American Red Cross Blood leader, Afghan Refugees Relief, and Sabil USA organizations to support Afghan refugees and vulnerable people. A social media digital contact creator and YouTuber who is creating content to support and introduce the Afghan people and their culture and art.
Mumtaz Momand is the founder and executive director of the San Diego Afghan Connections and Culture Center (SDAC). He worked as a community liaison, interpreter in five languages, legal advisor with the US Army Marines, crisis counselor for the San Diego Refugee Communities Coalition (SDRCC), community organizer for Partnership for the Advancement of New Americans (PANA), and other organizations gave him enough experience to support and serve the Afghan refugees and community in San Diego.
All the programs will be held in the Turrentine Room at Escondido Public Library.
For more information, contact Project Director Azar Katouzian at
This project is supported by the Library Innovation Lab.