OAKLAND—Quiet Lightning’s quarterly showcase of writers of color features intimate readings/performance by Mimi Tempestt, James-Amutabi Connie Haines, Dr. Jeanne Powell, Terry Taplin and special host for the evening, Charles Orgbon III, followed by a community Q&A. Tickets include museum admission and (while supplies last) a copy of Quiet Lightning’s latest book, which features writing from last year’s Better Ancestors. Come early to check out the current exhibitions, Black Venus and Nimah Gobir: Holding Space, and to have local muse Briana Swain create a custom poem just for you. Advance registration is highly encouraged. Better Ancestors is a Humanities for All Quick Grant-funded series.
Quiet Lightning: Better Ancestors
Museum of the African Diaspora
685 Mission St., San Francisco, CA 94105
July 6 from 6:00-8:00 p.m.
To reserve tickets and for more information, go to Quiet Lightning’s site. For questions or accessibility requests, contact Evan Karp, Program Director: 415-967-8376, evan@quietlightning.org.
This exhibit is supported by a Humanities for All Quick Grant.