California Humanities and Califa Awarded $249,946 from IMLS to Enhance Library Innovation Lab Program

The grant will assist libraries across the county in welcoming new Americans and better meeting the lifelong learning needs of immigrant communities.
California Humanities Awards $52,500 to 11 Humanities for All Quick Grant Projects for Summer 2024

11 new grantees will receive $52,500 in funding through the Humanities for All Quick Grant program.
2024 Library Innovation Lab Programs Coming Near You

The ten librarians who make up the 2024 Library Innovation Lab (LIL) program cohort are poised to launch the public-facing phase of their work.
California Documentary Project in 2024: Emmys, Premieres, New Audiences, & November 4 Deadline Announcement

Ahead of this fall’s CDP grant deadline, we are highlighting some exciting grantee accomplishments and accolades over the past year.
Introducing a Letter of Intent Process for Project Grants To Ease Burden on Applicants

A new LOI process for the next deadline of Humanities for All Project Grants, opening June 1, 2024.
Creating a New American Muslim Tradition: A Celebrative Music Event from the Muslim Musical Mosaic Project

After hosting a series of music-focused “salons” with members of the Muslim American community in Los Angeles, Muslims for Progressive Values is hosting a free celebratory event for the Muslim Musical Mosaic Project on June 30.
Yuba-Sutter Black History Illuminates Little-Known History in California

The Sutter County Museum readies for the opening of a first-of-its kind exhibit and programs on Black History in Yuba-Sutter Counties.
Seven New Humanities for All Project Grants Receive $174,405 To Support Community Storytelling in California

Seven new grantees will receive $174,405 in funding through the Humanities for All Project Grant program.
Two California Documentary Projects Premiere at Frameline48

Spotlighting HELEN AND THE BEAR and SALLY! during LGBTQ+ Pride Month at San Francisco’s longest-running showcase of queer cinema.
PLA 2024: The Impact of ‘The California Humanities Initiative’ in California’s Public Libraries

In-depth reflections by four Library Innovation Lab librarians about their experiences as project directors and mentors, plus a PLA conference recap.