Cal Humanities is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2014 California Documentary Project (CDP) grant awards. This year we have awarded $350,000 to 13 film, radio, and new media projects that reflect a broad range of topics and enhance our understanding of California and its cultures, peoples, and histories. From a behind-the-scenes look at California’s Tribal Court system; to a public radio series documenting California’s regional food and culture county by county; to a look back at anti-tax activist Howard Jarvis and the origins and impact of Proposition 13 and the American tax revolt; to a look ahead at the implications for our state and national criminal justice systems of the recent passage of an amendment to California’s Three Strikes Law to exclude nonviolent offenders—each adds a new layer to a complex and growing portrait of California. Together, they help us better understand who we are and where we live.
Since 2003, we have awarded over $4 million to film, radio, and new media documentaries that reach and engage statewide and national audiences through broadcast and distribution, at film festivals and community screenings, in classrooms and online.
Congratulations to the 2014 grant awardees!
For project descriptions, please visit click HERE.
For information about the next round of the California Documentary Project grant program, please click HERE.