We recently relaunched pages for two important California Humanities’ initiatives: Tools of the Trade and California on the Ballot. Focusing both on rebuilding the capacity of individuals and organizations to provide relevant and engaging humanities programs, and exploring the landscape of civic engagement in California, these initiatives provide useful tools for humanities practitioners and civically-minded individuals throughout the state.
About these initiatives
To support the public humanities field and promote its recovery from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, California Humanities organized and delivered a series of free online learning sessions in 2020-2022, called Tools of the Trade. Aiming to build and rebuild the capacity of individuals and organizations to provide relevant, responsive, and engaging humanities programs, this program enabled California Humanities’ grantees and partners to share their innovative and creative work with other humanities practitioners.
Through California on the Ballot, California Humanities invites the people of California and beyond to reflect and talk—with journalists, historians, election experts, and more—about the past, present, and future of electoral engagement in California.
Both program pages feature individual posts and videos for easy viewing and sharing. Explore our archive of virtual programs and resources: